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Paid Social

Your business will always benefit from advertisements but the right kind of advertisements will give you enormous returns. We at Abe Media will identify the right kind of advertisements and the platform to do it on for your business and build strategies and campaign ideas for it.

Paid Social

Leverage the power of Social Media and Search Engines

The thing about paid advertising is that you will be getting guaranteed reach for your content. This will particularly come in handy if you are just starting out and your website is not ranking on the first page of Google search. Running Google Search Ads can help you show your website on top of the organic search results without investing a huge amount of money and time in search engine optimization.

You can also reach your customers on social media. Studies have shown that people are more likely to opt for a brand that has a good social media presence. Facebook and Instagram are some of the most popular platforms to run ads without breaking your bank. With more and more people getting on social media every day, it is no wonder that your competitors are running ads on social media. We will be more than happy to do a comprehensive competitor research for you to see what your competitors are doing.

Another advantage of paid ads is that you can target your content to the most relevant audience for your business and generate qualified leads. In addition to that, when a customer visits your website by clicking your ads, you will be able to track every moment of your customer on your website and optimize for results accordingly. There are also options to retarget your visitors across the web.

There are a lot of platforms and options to advertise your products or services on the web, get in touch with the experts at Abe Communications to figure out the best platform for your business to advertise on.

Why Invest in Search Engine Ads and Social Media Ads in 2021?

The simple answer to this question is that your competitors are doing it. You will simply be left out if you ignore advertising on digital platforms any longer. Talk to us to find out the perfect platform for you to advertise.


With years of experience in the industry, we know what works and what doesn’t. We shall provide you with a unique strategy for your business to take it to the next level. All the campaigns and our work will revolve around this strategy.

Highly Targeted

Unlike traditional ads where you show the ads to everyone, you can now decide where and to whom your ads should be shown. All our Ad campaigns use laser focused targeting options to show your ads to the right audience at the right time with the right message.

High-quality Content

No matter how laser-focused your ads are, if the content doesn’t grab the attention of your target audience, there is no point in doing it. Our content writers and copywriters have years of experience in the field and shall help you come up with the right message for your target audience.

Our Range of Services

If you’ve been actively searching for a company that is renowned for Paid Ads in Kerala, then you’ve found yourself the perfect partner. With close to a decade of expertise in the domain, we at Abe Communications can help you rise to the top positions with our dedicated Paid Ads services.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

The most cost-effective platforms to advertise to your customers today are Facebook and Instagram Ads. Show your ads to the right audience at the right time to achieve instant conversions.

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LinkedIn Ads

This is where the major decision makers of businesses hangout. If you need to reach professionals and the key decision makers, consider doing ads on LinkedIn.

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Google Ads

Today almost all online purchases involve a Google search. If your product or service is shown to your customer when he or she is searching for it, the chances of conversion is very high. This is where Google Ads come in.

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We keep experimenting with different social media platforms. If we feel that running ads on another social media platform is good for you, we shall share the strategy with you and help you with running your campaigns there.

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